Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth day - the Mother Nature.

Earth day - the Mother Nature.

This day is called Earth day as its dedicated to the mother nature.it makes us remember o our responsibility towards mother nature.

Earth has took innumerable changes in its course of its evolution to bring up species and formation of several  lands and areas for its inhabitants of species of its own in its womb.
In its course of its evolution the earth has undergone several physical ,biological ,anthropological  and astronomical geographical astrological and chemical changes apart from its spiritual changes which includes all the former as its components.

These effect the individual species  in their psychological embryonic genetically effects which result in species of several orders which are recorded in the sacred crypt's of all the books as scriptural stories which are given in the books of secret doctrine and as Isis unveiled by Madam HPB.

Theses are explained by master Master EK in his book science of man as deep concepts of civilizations currents.
So all are connected to mother nature in one way or other which effects the species of the all types on the globe . some of these can be predicted through astrological science so Mihira takes opportunity to present before you course on Integrated study of scriptures sciences and social civilizations(ISIS) as one month course shortly before you.

Mother nature earth should be protected from physical mental and environmental pollution . this is the gift we can give to our future civilizations. our present behavior shows a definite response on future. drastic deforestation increases heat on the earth and urbanization increases the u v rays percent on the globe and disturbance in biocycle food cycle and water cycles and life cycles on the earth shows upcoming generations suffer from polluted nature resources, depletion of nature reserves, decreases of their availability and increases in commodities which increases the rate of starvation and effects global economic and fatal rate.

so we should take precautions in
·        preservation of natural resources.
·        plantations of greenery. for hygeine food and air.
·        alternative sources of transportation like solar and current trains etc
·        prevention of depletion of water bodies
·        preservation animal species to maintain food chains
·        preservation of human genetics
·        preserving  of green plant plantations to prevent hazardous effects of u v rays
·        decreases use of bio  fertilizers and increases the symbiotic relationship between animals for prevention of pollution of soil.
·        prevent burring of decomposed  dead bodies and burn them for prevention of soil pollution.
·        decrease use of plastic and increase use of paper  for better decomposition.
·        clean surroundings and safe  garbage disposal .
·        preserve the  human bodies of nature from sexual pollution and dangerous diseases which our future generations inherit from us
·        cure food by  right eating. cure sound by right speech cure space by right thought. cure air by right breath and cure fire by right heat  cure is complete.
·        this is given in our scriptures as deva puja  offering incense to purify air utter mantrams to purify sound meditate god to purify space and distribute food to poor  to purify food and keep body in tact from heat o others. this worship preserves not only our bodies but also our environment.

These are few to preserve our mother earth
on this eve o earth day let all nationals  live as sons of mother remove the barriers of race creed sex and caste nationality and creed race live as son of god on the earth and under space on level. let all men love let outer privileges be gone .let love prevail among brother hood. let universal brotherhood prevail.. green revolution prevail.

With Regards
M Pradyumna.

(Associate Editor Mihira Magazine and publications)

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Importance of science of eclipses


According to our study the astronomical appearance of eclipses in the sky  is due to the movement of the  stellar bodies of the sun moon and the earth.
The solar eclipses and lunar eclipses occurs when there is earth between sun and moon and moon between sun and earth at different angles


But according astrology these eclipses carry a much more significance than other .they are due the reflections of two shadow planes called rahu and ketu they are symbolized as snake head and snake body planets or dragon planets in some tradition.

These eclipses carry biogenetical , astro- psychological and zoological ,environmental spiritual effects upon various spheres of life. according to  which various predictions are forecasted and pre cautionary measures are given to protect ill effects of the eclipses .
They start from embryonic, bio genital, psychological disorders to environmental measures . they project also good currents which are received by the spiritualist and astrologist through serene  meditations which are used or human welfare.

The lunar eclipse gives an opportunity to transcend the mind and sublimate the personality into the background consciousness of the soul through right meditation or mantra given by guru or chanting gayatri mantra.

The solar eclipse takes soul into background with sprit where you can experience the ultimate supreme consciousness of god when you follow the injunctions of any guru.
the Rahu  and Ketu indicates our past karma which effects on our mind and life to trigger our memory of our real consciousness and awareness of our true identity before we come in to body. so these are the points of light to trace back our consciousness into our true identify. They are symbolized in Chinese  astrology as dragons Indian as man Mayan is lion s beasts in Christian theology.

Meditate the source of our consciousness  radiating from the point of light where our journey begun. meditating on our breath and synchronism our pulsations with  slow breath  by uttering  om mentally and vocally 3 times. or meditating the meditations  of master D.k.

Here comes into fold eight fold path of yoga in three levels from physical, mental and buddhic plane of consciousness  where our body, mind and consciousness  sublimates  into  the light of the soul.
all the mantras gain power you can attain sidhhis on  the eclipse day. each eclipse has different effects on different levels which are forecasted in the panchagams.
in few traditions the dharba is sprinkled in the puja room or water sanctified with dharba s by chanting Rudra  and lord Vinayaka mantras are sprinkled whole of the house.


1.     avoid heavy program's on the day.
2.     take light diet in the food.
3.     sit at calm serene place.
4.     avoid  starting of any works or promises.
5.     read a book on spiritualism or on yoga or holy scripture. or watch scriptural movie.
6.     avoid outings parties and dinners.
7.     don't be agitated or emotional.
8.     meditate on your breath and utter om 9 times in three tones in three sets.
9.     Meditate white lotus at bro centre, blue lotus at head centre and golden lotus at heart centre.
10.                         wear and meditate pleasant colors on that day like white, pink, blue yellow and cream all light shades.

 May these eclispe days help you to reach your master and god.

With regards
Associate Editor MIHIRA Monthly Magazine and Publications.

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Ritual of Ramayana

The Ritual of Ramayana symbioses the year ritual of the lord coming down as year lord.
The ephemeral s born and die in a year so also year lord changes every year the lord of the ritual retraces conducts of the ritual of Ramayana every year with six khandas as six seasons and  24,0000 parvas as 24 hours of each day.  the Ramayana occurs in the month of Aries which is the beginning of the year .

all the stages of the  Ramayana are the symbolical stages of ritual of human life the has to be trespassed  by the human beings at some point of the life other.

the Rama kalyanam

The celestial marriage between Rama and mother seethe is symbolism of marriage between heaven and earth. it also symbolises the marriage between soul and matter spirit and soul and life and matter.
 tha Ramakalyanam on rama navami depicts the successful journey of the year lord and successful ritualism of the year ritual of the year lord of each year to bestow good crops and yield and bless with good health ,wealth and posterity for humanity on the earth.

It is merely not traditional function  but a scriptural ritual..

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Story of Ramayan

The story of Ramayana is holy scripture of the allegory of the law of dharma and truth  journey in human life. it shows the style of human being need to behave to illuminate himself  through his frame of his body. the highest expression the  human frame that can  give out. it is is the qualities of lord Rama. the avatar has showed  the divinity of the human frame which need to be practiced by every human body.
it also gives the rhythm of year cycle that shine forth through various minor time cycles as seasons  months hours which is symbolized in the architecture of ayodhya.
may the lord unravel his presence in us though every Rama Navami .

all the composed parts of Ramayana depicts the journey of human spiritual student in his life which is his ultimate destiny.
.Every year from Rama Navami let us read Ramayana and correspond our lives with its rhythm  and become holy.

with regards

Friday, April 4, 2014


                             THE SACRED YEAR "  JAYA ".


The sacred year lord jaya brings the message of the life through a inner battle and external revolution.
the lord of this year carries counch ,chakra wheel with him ,wears yellow and red color symbolises wisdom and battle. the conch and the wheel symbolises the inner direction with chage in time cylces which directs life of the humanity towards path of light and satiation. 

the seers of wisdom advised the humanity to read MAHABHARATHA  .through out this year. to bestow the blessings of the lord Krishna who establishes Dharama  in this ad mists of struggle.

may this new year bring you blessings of lord presences of lord into your lives.

With Warm Regards