Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May call day

                                                      MAY CALL DAY 2014            

May call day is the day where master CVV gave out his name as the mantra for the new era yoga.
master CVV is called the new avatar for the Aquarius  .

may call day is the day where master cvv  announced new era yoga .this yoga is called brikhta rahita taraka Raja yoga. one who practices this yoga gains immortality and bliss of life.

This yoga brings down Uranus vibrations upon the planet.it bestows activity with  transcendental atmosphere upon the earth. at present the planet Uranus is in the constellation Aries The  soul lord of .activity  of Aries is Uranus this may call day with Uranus in spiritual house brings the Uranus activity of intuition, astral travel telepathy and  time travel etc

this  one who does day group prayer and yoga meditation can form higher bridge with all the ether bodies o disciples and meet with meet centers of the masters.may  this  day bring universal brotherhood..
Master cvv brings Sirius planetary vibrations with Uranus planetary vibrations,pours his plenty of prana from cosmic prana by utternece of his name MASTER CVV NAMASKARAMS. whne the disicple utter this mantra the the sound vibrations potency of the mantra breaks the layers of boundary of cosmic prana runs through the channel of Earth kundalini and links it to the individual kundalini .
may this sacred day bring universal brotherhood.

With Regards

Friday, May 23, 2014


MIHIRA is introducing meditation series from july 2. 2014
 these meditation cards contain 52 meditation to be done in the whole week following the day we start.
these 52 meditation represents 52 weeks of year and the ancient cult and scriptural rituals that happens in the vaults of heaven.
when once performed these meditations give peace and blissful state very quickly.

Mihira meditation series......

Sacredness of Hanuma jayanthi

Hanuma jayanthi is birth of lord hanuman.

the lord hanuma  symbol of bravery courageousness strength capability and all skillful  knowledge wisdom and transcendental being .

being so capable he submitted himself to the lord Rama and embodiment of Dharma. so strength power and skill should take refuge in Dharma. knowledge wisdom and learning should gain virtues and character.charter ends with Dharma.
 so the law of nature  is  to be followed by every one. In the whole story of Ramayana Hanuma the son of the wind god played important role in bringing mother nature Sita to the god of life from clutches of  ten headed evil king  of darkness and matter.Ravana.
     The sadhaka through 8 fold path of yoga  with the help of breadth uplifts our flitterd consciousness from evil spell to hands over to god  consciousness . the hanuma is on o the sapta chiranjeevis  the nascent kumaras. may the lord on this occasion bestow his blessings upon us all.

WIth Regards

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


When sun is in Taurus and  moonis  in Scorpio the eve of  wesak full moon  the spirit of man  dominates over astral impulses of mind..The soul shines forth with light of the spirit of god. The eternal god consciousness dances over the planetary astral plane today where human astral bodies will be neutralized for who meditates such meditation .

today being wesak festival the masters of wisdom shower divine plan to their close disciples through telepathy .the consciousness of the earth is shifted to buddhic plane all disciples get union in Himalaya at night and invoke presence of lord Buddha .
thus today two great events happen overcoming o our mind mental waves and astral currents of astral bodies through  a scriptural ritual of kaliyamadhna and shifting of our consciousness to buddhic plane of Buddha to receive the work of the earth.