Tuesday, May 27, 2014

May call day

                                                      MAY CALL DAY 2014            

May call day is the day where master CVV gave out his name as the mantra for the new era yoga.
master CVV is called the new avatar for the Aquarius  .

may call day is the day where master cvv  announced new era yoga .this yoga is called brikhta rahita taraka Raja yoga. one who practices this yoga gains immortality and bliss of life.

This yoga brings down Uranus vibrations upon the planet.it bestows activity with  transcendental atmosphere upon the earth. at present the planet Uranus is in the constellation Aries The  soul lord of .activity  of Aries is Uranus this may call day with Uranus in spiritual house brings the Uranus activity of intuition, astral travel telepathy and  time travel etc

this  one who does day group prayer and yoga meditation can form higher bridge with all the ether bodies o disciples and meet with meet centers of the masters.may  this  day bring universal brotherhood..
Master cvv brings Sirius planetary vibrations with Uranus planetary vibrations,pours his plenty of prana from cosmic prana by utternece of his name MASTER CVV NAMASKARAMS. whne the disicple utter this mantra the the sound vibrations potency of the mantra breaks the layers of boundary of cosmic prana runs through the channel of Earth kundalini and links it to the individual kundalini .
may this sacred day bring universal brotherhood.

With Regards

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