Friday, May 23, 2014

Sacredness of Hanuma jayanthi

Hanuma jayanthi is birth of lord hanuman.

the lord hanuma  symbol of bravery courageousness strength capability and all skillful  knowledge wisdom and transcendental being .

being so capable he submitted himself to the lord Rama and embodiment of Dharma. so strength power and skill should take refuge in Dharma. knowledge wisdom and learning should gain virtues and character.charter ends with Dharma.
 so the law of nature  is  to be followed by every one. In the whole story of Ramayana Hanuma the son of the wind god played important role in bringing mother nature Sita to the god of life from clutches of  ten headed evil king  of darkness and matter.Ravana.
     The sadhaka through 8 fold path of yoga  with the help of breadth uplifts our flitterd consciousness from evil spell to hands over to god  consciousness . the hanuma is on o the sapta chiranjeevis  the nascent kumaras. may the lord on this occasion bestow his blessings upon us all.

WIth Regards

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